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Goal: $100.00
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  What do members say about IBAW programing?

“I almost always come away from an IBAW meeting with useable material that helps me with my business. Many times, a speaker will give me something that applies to ITU AbsorbTech. Other times, it is a conversation over breakfast that gives me value. Because of the intimate setting, it is easy to engage the speakers after the presentations. I have a number of contacts I use often that began at IBAW.”

- Jim Leef, ITU AbsorbTech

IBAW's mission is to provide insightful programming to its members. We do this by selecting knowledgeable speakers with business experience. 

The video to the right is a short selection from our discussion on exporting where we brought in Mr. Tom Bentley, CEO of Bentley World Packaging, Mr. Joe Jurken, Partner of the ABC Group and Mr. Damian Felton for the U.S. Department of Commerce.

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